Wednedays are a little crazy around here. The younger kids go with Grandpa for Grandpa day and I run errands with Matt. Then the real trouble starts at 2:30. We leave to get Andrew and get back at 2:45. Andrew does his homework and gets a snack, sometimes does his piano. Then we leave at 3:15 to get Haley and her friend Kalin. We drop off Kalin and take Haley to Tae Kwon Do. We get back at 4:00 and I teach a violin lesson from 4:15 to 4:45. We leave at 5:15 to go to scouts until 6:30, then at 6:45 we have a soccer game and at 7:00 Haley and Dad have YW/YM. While they're gone I bathe 4 kids. Yikes. No wonder I had a headache last night! That's 8 things to do in 4 1/2 hours. So here are some of the highlights from yesterday's Wacky Wednesday:
Andrew had a great time decorating cookies at scouts. I think he did a great job!
Joey couldn't have the cookies because they had eggs in them, but he really enjoyed half a cup of frosting.

Matthew just caused all kinds of trouble. He was taking (well, more like ripping) things down from the wall, and getting in to everybody's stuff. Haley had it all under control.

Here's Andrew warming up before his soccer game. They've lost three in a row, but those little boys sure have fun and have a great attitude! They've all really improved over the last few weeks, too.

Well, we survived another Wednesday. Things are looking good.