Saturday, April 7, 2012

Men at Work

Uncle Sam came over today to work on our house. The kids wouldn't leave him alone. Poor Sam. He shouldn't have to work under such awful conditions. Just kidding. He loves it (I hope).

Matthew especially liked it when he went out front to the trailer. Every time he did, Matt was there as his little side-kick. It was pretty cute!

April Fools Day Madness

We really, really like April Fools Day around here.  I mean, we REALLY like it.

I usually plan for weeks, but this year the time got away from me a little bit.  I did my usual tricks, like switching all the cereal into different boxes, and things like that, but the rest I had to kind of improvise.

I did have the forsight to buy some bubble wrap beforehand, since April 1st was on a Sunday this year.  Haley was out with friends the night before, so I rigged her bathroom door with some of it.  I knew she would see it before it popped (which she did), so I also put some under her toilet seat, hoping she would sit on it and it would pop.  But she saw a little corner of it sticking out, so I was caught before it worked.  Better luck next year.

Grace was sleeping at Grandma's house because the Porters were in town.  Brenlee slept at our house, so he got to participate in all the fun.  After they went to bed, I hung gummy worms from the doorway of the bathroom.  They thought it was funny, but it was really just a diversion so they wouldn't see the bubble wrap in the door.  Unfortunately, it unraveled during the night and didn't pop.  I've got to figure out how to make that bubble wrap work for next year.

The gummy worms also came in handy at breakfast.  They poored their cereal (which came out all wrong, because I had switched them), and I gave them each a cup of red juice.  I had put two gummy worms in the bottom of their cups, and when they had almost finished, they said, "Hey, something's in here!"  Funny.  And gross -- they were all slimy.

Then the boys went out to play, and after awhile I called out the window to them. I said, "Boys! Come in quick! Grandma just called and said that Grace fell off the porch and her arm is broken! We have to meet them down at the ER, so come in and get dressed!"

 They bought it.
After just a couple of minutes of them frantically getting ready and asking all sorts of questions (and after Joey started to cry, saying, "I don't want her to die!"), I let them in on it by declaring "April Fool's Day!" 
They were mad at me, so Haley lead them in a revolt. They took window markers and painted all over my car. It was Sunday, so I couldn't wash the car until the next day. Little stinkers.

Gracie Lost a Tooth!

Gracie lost her first tooth -- well, technically the dentist pulled a molar a couple weeks ago because it had a huge cavity in it -- but this is the first tooth that fell out.  And it literally just fell out.

Grace spent the night at Grandma's house because Emma was visiting.  The tooth was just hanging there all day, and I told her to call me if she lost it before bed.

She didn't lose it before bed, but when she woke up, it wasn't in her mouth anymore.

They searched for it, and found it laying right next to where she was sleeping.  Thankfully she didn't swallow it!