Our little man turned 5 this month!! What a big boy he is. I just can't believe it's been five whole years since Joey joined our family. I remember it like it was yesterday....
Andrew was fascinated with knowing exactly when he turned five, which was at 11:52 am. I explained that Joey was actually born at 11:51, but the nurse didn't look at the clock until 11:52. For some reason that bugged me. But only because I'm crazy.
Joey is one of the funniest, nicest, cutest kids I know. And I'm not saying that just because he's mine. His favorite things are girls, playing with Andrew, blasters, and games. I asked him who his favorite person is, and he couldn't decide between all of us in his family. So he named every one of us.
His favorite place to eat is McDonald's.
His favorite color is green.
His favorite thing to do is play with friends.
His favorite food is chocolate (although I must say that he really likes meat, too. Sometimes we call him a "meatatarian").
His favorite day of the week is Grandpa Day.
His favorite movie is "Bolt", and his favorite song is "I Lived in Heaven".
His favorite friend is Kourtney.
He loves to go camping and fishing.
He is just one great kid!
Here are some pictures from his birthday party. He got his very own DS from Grandma Jane (thank heavens for Grandma Jane!), a Star Wars tent and a blaster from the Cammons, and a flying saucer toy and Wii Sports Resort from us.
Joey, we love you and are so happy you're five! We look forward to every day we have with you, and are so happy we'll be together forever!