Joey decided to play soccer for the first time this fall. He did one soccer camp this summer, but that was the whole of his soccer experience thus far. And our verdict is:
Joey is an awesome athlete:)
He picked up on soccer really fast, and always played hard. He had a couple of friends on his team, which always helps; and he had a great father/daughter team for coaches. They really knew the sport, and although they weren't the most laid-back of coaches, they pushed the team hard and really did teach them some good skills.
In 2nd grade boy's soccer, there is no score-keeping. But rest assured -- the boys know the score, and they did have a winning record:)
Grace also played soccer this season, and their games were usually at different times, so each would have to be at the fields twice in one day. Plus a football game the same day... but that's another story (that I'm still recovering from).
Joey would make good use of his sideline time during Grace's game by practicing. Not practicing soccer, but football.
Joey has a weird cute habit of dancing around a little bit while playing sports. It's hard to explain. You'd just have to see it. When he gets ready to throw a ball, or when he's changing position or concentrating on the ball, etc., he wobbles his arms and legs around in a kind of seizure. That's the best I can explain. To people who don't know him that well, it may look like he does it on purpose, but I'm pretty sure it has become involuntary.
Joey was very good at throwing the ball in from the sidelines. He listened to his coach and did it just how he was supposed to, even if his feet did cross the line occasionally. It was almost a legal throw-in!
Joey takes after his dad. He was never afraid to go after the ball, and put his body in the way!
And this is my favorite "whiff" shot of the season. Even Joey laughed:

He was a corner kick pro, too.
And best of all, here he is getting a karate-chop back treatment from a teammate on the sidelines: