We have this completely unusable deck on the side of our house. It is always blazing hot because it's on the southwest side of the house. We've truly never used it except to store the barbecue. So Ben decided he'd hire his brother, who thankfully is a builder, to come down today and build a nice, shingled roof. They've been working since 7 a.m. this morning, and it's almost finished! I can't believe I almost forgot to take some pictures. I'm sure the neighbors hate us by now for all the pounding and power tools being used non-stop today, but hopefully they'll get over it.
I'm so excited to use our now-usable deck. Thanks Sam! We couldn't have done it without you.
Here's Sam shingling the roof. Makes me a little nervous. He didn't seem to be, though. I think he's used to it.
Here's Ben with his rain-soaked hair going to get more supplies. It was a cool 45 degrees today with off and on again rain. That beats doing it in 100 degrees, right?

Here's a view from the inside. Our dining room will be a lot cooler now that the sun's not scorching it. We'll be able to leave the blinds open. Yay!

Another view from inside. I'm so excited! We'll have to have a deck-warming party.