Monday, May 4, 2009


We had a beautiful weekend here, and guess what? We didn't do a lick of yard work. But we had a good excuse. Haley and Ben spent Saturday morning planting trees as a service project with the YM/YW. Then we had the missionaries over, and then we had a barbeque with the YM presidency from church. We had a great time, had good food, and got to play outside. Here's the party (with my handsome husband there in the blue).
One of the couples had a little one-year-old boy, Taveon. He is soooo cute with those big blue eyes. He had a great time on the tramp, and loved to give Matthew hugs. They are friends from nursery.
Joey wanted me to put the picture on. He said it looks like he's holding a light saber, and Star Wars is our FAVORITE thing around here!
PS - I'm so excited because Matthew finally learned how to go down the stairs all by himself. Now we can put the gate away. Yay!