Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bowling Fun

Finally, we had a Saturday with a little extra time.  We had most of our chores done, so we decided to go bowling.  Matthew was in ball-heaven.  Grace, Andrew, and Joey all loved it and can't wait to go back.  Grace even won the kid game by one point!  It took a really long time for Joey and Grace's balls to make it all the way down to the pins, but they waited in anticipation the whole time.  Matthew just kept saying "Ball!  Ball!  Ball!"  He was pretty mad that he couldn't pull all those pretty balls off the shelf.  He also had a loaded diaper upon arrival, and as soon as I had it changed, he opened the door himself and started running at lightspeed down the hallway while I was still trying to wash my hands.  That kid is going to give me a heart attack.

Everyone survived, and we had a great time!

Please enjoy the pictures of our butts.

Gem of the Day

Andrew took Grandpa Jerry out to lunch, and Joey was a little upset about that.  So I decided to take him to Taco Bell, just the two of us.  It was fun because we could see Grandpa's Jeep across the street at Wendy's.  We made sure that we beat them home (we did!)  As we were leaving, I said to Joey, "I had so much fun with you.  I'm glad we went to lunch, just the two of us!  I love spending time with you."  Joey said, "Yep.  That's because I'm the cutest."

Bold Move by the Union

The Union made a bold move yesterday by trying to cut communications to management's office.  They sent their steward to locate one of the phones, answer a call from Aunt Jill, and then leave it on for two hours.  No calls could come in or out for that time.  Management then found the problem, and it has since been resolved.  All phones will now be kept out of reach of said steward, which could be hard, since there aren't many places out of his reach.