Sunday, November 6, 2011

Joey's Class Field Trip

I was so happy Matthew and I could accompany Joey's first grade class to the Laurel Pumpkin Patch.  His teacher, Mrs. Barbeau, and the other 2 first grade classes all boarded the bus and drove out to our favorite farm.  Matt and I followed in the van.  We enjoyed a hay ride, made our way through the corn maize, picked out our pumpkins, and ate lunch.  The next day, we all went to Joey's school and did some experiments on the pumpkins. We weighed and measured, found out if they floated, and drew funny faces on them.

The day of the field trip, Joey's teacher had to tell many of the kids in his class that "not everyone can sit with Joey".  Joey seems to be a hot commodity, especially among the ladies, and one lucky girl grabbed his arm first.  This happens almost every day, though.  As we go walking through the crowd at the playground after school, I hear a chorus of "bye Joey!"'s, and have even witnessed a line -- yes, an honest to goodness LINE -- of little girls waiving at my cute little boy.  He barely turns his head and raises a hand to waive.  Interesting.

Even though the 1st grade girls wanted Joey's attention, he usually only has time for his best friend, Reece.  They found each other through the crowd, and stuck together as all good buddies should.

Joey managed to find a pumpkin, even while being flanked by his admirers.  One little girl found a caterpillar and gave it to him, as sort of an offering.  He enjoyed the crowds that came to him to see it, and played for a long time with that fuzzy little creature (the caterpillar, not the girl).

Matt was just happy he got to pick his own pumpkin... and wear his cowboy boots.

Other Things That Happen When I Leave:

Leaving the house is always a risk for me.  I come home to things like Haley trying to make cookies. The flour started to fly, and she reached over to turn it off, only to hit it with her hand and turned it on high.  Yep.

And, when Haley's supposed to be watching Matt, I come home and find him lopped over in the chair.

I may never leave this house again.

Playing Part 2

Here's a few more pics of our Sunday night down the street.  Matthew was showing us his awesome rolling skills, and Dad got a few headers in.

Playing Part 1

I got home after performing our last Opera matinee, and the sun was still up; it was warm; and the kids were ready to play after not seeing me hardly for 3 weeks!  So we hiked it on over to the grassy area (we don't call it a "park" because then Matthew expects a play area).

We brought along the football, playground ball, and the hand toss game.  The boys were happy to kick the ball back and forth with Daddy, hoping he'd show them some of his mad head bumping skills.  He obliged, of course.

We stayed until sunset, then some of us walked, Andrew rode his rip stick, and Joey rode his scooter home.  Fun!