Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fun Day at the Zoo, Again

We just love our little zoo. Key word: little.

But we don't care. We always go to the barn first, where we see Jake the horse. The kids named the other horse Jack, but that's not his name. That's just what they decided to call him. We feed the ducks and the wild looking hairy chickens, get chased off by a crazed peacock, make fun of the giant bunny, and then look to see if the perpetually fat goat has had babies, or if she is truly just fat.

This time Kanalu, Emily, and Grandma Nan came too. We needed a break by the waterfowl pond that has been under construction for forever. I wonder if/when that will be done. We liked seeing the ducks with their little tushies in the air when they were diving for food. Joey likes to talk to them. It's kind of weird, because they go right up to him and talk back. Just like a real conversation, but in duck language.

We always take a few minutes to play at the playground. It's one of the best in town.

Matt finally got sick of walking when we were by the mountain goats, so he pleaded with Grandma to pick him up and lug him around. She was happy to oblige.

We just love these little red pandas. They are always moving around, so they put on a pretty good show for the kids. The tiger is usually laying around, although you can catch him pacing by the window every so often. When we went on Thursday, he was fast asleep until two ducks buzzed his head. He sat up really quickly, and was ready to pounce. Only they weren't stupid ducks -- they perched themselves far out of his reach, but he was hopeful for several minutes.

We'd just like to say "Hallelujah!" for the nice weather. Of course, as soon as it stopped raining after a week, we all got sick with colds and coughs just in time for the nice, sunny weather. Figures. We'll be up and running again next week. Hopefully I'll have some great pictures of our soon-to-be-planted garden to share.