Tuesday, February 26, 2013

6th Annual Kazamoto Christmas Party

I can't believe it's been 6 years since we started this tradition!  Our favorite family, the Shimamotos, were in town from Utah, and we took advantage to keep the tradition alive.  Melissa and I decided six years ago to get together (which we did often, anyway) each Christmas to teach each other about Christmas traditions in other countries.  It has always been a favorite time for us, especially this year -- we have missed them terribly since they moved to Utah!  Maybe next year, we can go down there to continue the tradition at their new home.
In the last six years, Melissa has taught us about:
and this year: Africa
And I have taught about:
and this year: Greece
This year, we snacked on some Greek cookies while I taught about their traditions.  They turned out much harder than I thought, but luckily part of the tradition is dipping them in honey, so that made them go down a little easier. 

It was exciting for us to learn about African Christmas traditions, especially because Haley is traveling there this summer to do humanitarian work with her friend's family.
I love how most of our kids match up in age.  There is always somebody to play with during Kazamoto parties!  Matthew and Ryan found some blasters and the Clone helmets, which kept them busy for a long time!

Usually I have next year's country already picked out.  And I do, but I'm not telling.  It will have to be a surprise for next year!
And just one more picture:
Matt and I sat down to enjoy a couple of treats for Last Snack.  He always imparts his wisdom at the end of the day, so our conversations are usually pretty interesting.
I'm loving the bedtime outfit.