Friday, November 19, 2010


 We were getting ready for school the other day, and I couldn't find Matt.  It was garbage day, and the neighborhood behind us gets their garbage picked up first.  So this is where we found him: looking out his back window for the garbage man.

Then he took a break to dance a little bit.  I guess watching "Dancing with the Stars" at Grandma Jane's the night before rubbed off on him.

Then he started playing with the garbage can, and this happened:

I said, "Are you Oscar the Grouch?"  And he said, "Yeah!"

Last night we had our quarterly boys' room cleanup, where we tear apart the boys' room and get all their junk out.  Those boys do the strangest things.  I found a broken cracker and an orange in one of their toy bins, and other gross and disgusting things in their drawers.  I'll just say this: Boys are gross.  And no wonder it stinks in there.  Half way through, Andrew turned to me and said, "Mom, does this stress you out?"  After he said that, I stopped being surprised and angered at the state of their room, and just finished the job without flying on my broom.

Last night we got the first real snowstorm of the year.  I have to say, we had a fabulous fall.  It was real fall weather, even up until yesterday -- it was 50 degrees and we were playing at the park.  But today it is in the teens, and the roads are icy.  Matt keeps looking out the window, saying, "Uh oh!  What happened?"  He is disturbed by the snow covering everything, and he says, "Grass dirty.  Rocks dirty.  Pumpkins dirty.  Mail(box) dirty."  He was VERY upset when he saw his beloved garbage can "dirty".  I told him we'd clean it when it gets warmer.  In 5 months.