Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ten Eleven Twelve

I love it when the date is funny.  Today is 10/11/12, and I think that's awesome.
Our day started VERY early, when Haley came in my room at 6:13 requesting that I draw a mustache on her face.
So I rolled my bottom out of bed, grabbed my eye liner, and went to town.  She now is Pedro, and McKenzie is Napoleon Dynamite.  What a pair.  We even fashoned a bolo tie out of a shoe lace and an old cub scout slide.  It was awesome.
Next, we got the kids ready for school, dropped off most of them, and then Ben took Matthew to preschool while I took Andrew to the ENT.
And now he has to get his tonsils and adnoids (I had to ask the doctor what the heck those were) out next month.  Hopefully he'll be able to breathe like a normal human being after that.
Then came what Matt has been waiting for all day!  I picked him up from preschool (where his teacher told me he had been VERY excited all day about his playdate), and we went home to wait for Emily.
We had a quick lunch, made some pudding (which is still jiggly because I used coconut milk), made some foam jack-o-lanterns, and played outside.  And it's super cold today, but pouring water on rocks is just too much fun to miss.

And we still get to go to the school ice cream social tonight!

School Photos (sort of)

I've been a little ornery about school pictures lately.  I just don't see the point of paying almost $100 just to make sure I get one 8x10 of all my kids.  If they'd just put those sizes in all the packages, I'd probably buy one.  But they don't, so I won't.
We just set up the backdrop, and did it ourselves!
Grace and Joey are pros, so their pictures all turned out nicely.

Ben decided to help during Andrew's photos, and he was trying not to crack up the whole time.  He couldn't always hold it in.

And Matt.  Well, he takes a little bit more work.  To get this:

We had to first get these: (I told him to smile -- my fault)

I am amazed at his ability to squeeze his eyes completely shut.  It's quite a talent!

Grace's Teeth

Grace has been in need of a frenectomy for quite a while now.  We finally got 'er done, thanks to Doctor Townsend!  It was a really easy procedure.  He just numbed her up, cut her lip open, and pulled it out.  He said she had enough in there for several people.  She did get a little nervous when he was putting the needle in her mouth, but I went over and held her hand, and she got through it okay. 
The doctor stitched her up, and noticed that her front tooth was loose (she lost the other front tooth in an elbowing incident with Matthew).  He asked her if she wanted him to pull it out, which she replied emphatically, "No!".  But being the awesome doctor that he is, he looked over at me, and I mouthed, "Do it!".  So he did it, pretending that he was just wiggling it.  She was so numb she didn't know the difference.
Then he asked her again if she wanted him to pull it.  She again said, "No way."  And then he said, "Would you be really mad at me if I already did it?"  She said, "Yes."  He just laughed, opened her hand, and dropped it in.  She wasn't really mad.
She didn't even ever ask for any medicine at all, never complained about it being painful at all.  She was a champ!

And someday (after many years of orthodontics), she will have perfectly straight teeth!  We're already saving for that.