I was a little delinquent on the back-to-school pictures this year. It didn't even cross my mind on the first day, so these are actually from the 2nd day of school. Man, I've got to get my act together.
And Matt wasn't even going to school for 3 more weeks, but he needed to be a part of this shot, for sure!
He started preschool this year, with Miss Darcy, and he loves it, of course. He literally runs from the car to her door each morning (well, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday). He's been reading for over a year now, and he can count pretty much as far as he wants to, so he doesn't learn very much academically. But he is learning how to be in a classroom, take turns, make a line, etc. So we'll cross our fingers that he doesn't get into too much trouble in kindergarten.
Grace is in 1st grade, and she was lucky enough to get the same teacher that Joey had last year, Mrs. Barbeau. She is everything a 1st grade teacher should be, and Grace just loves her. Grace is already reading at an end-of-2nd-grade level. Her teacher told us that she is the top reader in the class. And she is also the youngest kid in the class, so that's awesome. As soon as she gets home from school, she sets up a little classroom in her bedroom and teaches Matt. I think she'll make a great teacher someday!
Joey is in 2nd grade, and his teacher, Ms. Howland, is new to the school this year. She is so awesome, too. She just loves Joey (who doesn't?), and she really gets him. He's a very passionate kid, but she gets him. And she is totally on top of his food allergies. And the best thing is, she loves frogs. She has them all over the classroom (even live ones -- but they're in a tank). She also does really fun projects. I hope Grace gets her next year! Joey is also reading at the top of his class, at an end-of-3rd-grade level. There are a couple of little girls that were in Joey's class last year that are very sad that he's not in their class this year. They hang out with him at the playground, though. Joey is pretty oblivious (actually, he probably not -- he just acts that way) to all the girls that are in love with him. He's just too darned cute for his own good.

Andrew is a big 5th grader this year. He was a little scared of having Ms. Wippert, who Haley had in 5th grade. Everybody said that she is a mean teacher. The other two 5th grade teachers are men, who are both really fun. He also didn't get his best friend, Ryan, in his class this year -- which is the first time since kindergarten. So he wasn't too excited about school, but Ms. Wippert loves him and really kind of dotes on him. All she could talk about at his parent/teacher conference was how great of a kid he is, and how he is a leader, self-motivating, kind, and hard-working. We told her that he was born that way -- we had nothing to do with it. She didn't believe us, but it's true.
Haley is a Junior in high school this year, so she was long gone by the time we took this picture. She has her own car now, a Subaru donated lovingly by Aunt Emily and Uncle Ryan (thank you, thank you, thank you!). She gets to go straight to school from seminary. She is looking forward to college, and is busy in choir and all of her other classes. She loves her gym class, which is at the end of the day at the new high-class gym on the west end. She even gets up to go to a Friday morning class at 5:45 or some horrible hour like that. I'm very impressed. She had been working at Old Navy all summer, but now that wrestling season is upon us, she had to quit. She will be the varsity wrestling manager this year, so we'll get to see her again next March when the season's over:)
The rest of the kids wouldn't stop to pose for individual pictures for me, but I did get one of Shoji sadly watching out the window while everybody left her. Again. I would totally take her more places if she wasn't such a psycho. She's too lazy to get herself into the car, anyway. She just looks at me like I'm stupid for even thinking she would do something like that. It's a good thing for the front window. She stays very entertained there.