Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Weird Kids

I love my weird kids.  It's always good to be a little strange.  Not a lot, but a little.

Grace seems to always be in the middle of the action the boys are creating.  Here's the outfit she managed to put together to join in the fun:

And, standing at attention for the camera:


Matthew had a fit about his dinner the other night, which was a chicken patty sandwich and french fries.  Normally that's something a 3-year-old would like, but his exhaustion took over, and he screamed for a good 20 minutes.  Then he fell asleep in this position:


Ben has been out of town, and I thought it would be a good idea to take all 5 kids to the Festival of Trees after I taught violin lessons that morning, then served lunch for 2 hours to over a hundred 10-11 year old cub scouts, then had a 2+ hour rehearsal.  Sometimes I just amaze myself with my genius.

Actually, it wouldn't have been all that bad if I would have known there would be hundreds of extra people there watching a dance recital.  I probably would have gone at another time.  But I didn't, so there we were.  But we did have a good time, partly because Matthew started dancing to every song he heard and made us laugh, and partly because we got a giant bag of kettle corn on our way out.