Last Saturday was Stake Family Service Day. We went to the church at 9:30 in the morning (and found everybody leaving because it actually started at 9:00, we just had it wrong) and got our assignment to collect food for the Food Bank. We went as a family (duh - that's why they called it "Family Service Day") around my mom's neighborhood and collected a whole wagon-full of food. We chose to go around that neighborhood because we were on a time limit, and her house is right by the church. Plus, they have a wagon and ours is a big heavy working-man one.
Here's our loot:

I've still been desperately trying to keep up with our harvest. So while Ben and I were in the garden, I caught the Union's new Steward (see post below) sitting on the other side picking green tomatoes and eating them while sitting in the dirt. He then took the green tomatoes to the sand box and began burying them. At least he had the right idea! I mean, you do plant things in the garden.
He also tried a bite of a carrot the Ben pulled, but he spit that out.
Here he is trying to get up on the trampoline because all the big kids were on it and it looked fun. However, this is how he pulled his arm out of socket last time, so I figured I'd get proof this time before we went to the ER.

And here's the little monkey man after he was successful:

I tried to get everybody together for a group picture, but nobody would cooperate. What was I thinking interrupting their fun for a lowly picture?! Haley was inside doing her homework. I think. Maybe she was talking to friends or on the computer, but I choose to think she was doing her homework.
Anyway, this was the best I could do under the circumstances:

And this is Andrew "playing dead":
At dinner time we ate some great zucchini spaghetti. It was great, and I'm still waiting for the Union to ask, "Where's the Beef?" Not that we ever have beef, except at barbeque's. But the Union did sit down with management and asked for a majority vote on whether or not they can watch "Fred videos". I don't know how they expect to get a majority vote when there are two of us. I guess we'll have to agree!

I think I'll have to watch some of these videos before I can vote.
It's going to be a busy month: we have two birthdays, one anniversary (tomorrow), a baptism, a friend birthday party, a family birthday party, Opera rehearsals and performances, and Ben will be gone for two weekends (well, Thursday thru Saturday) for Woodbadge. So hopefully I'll be able to keep posting, but we'll see. The good news is our camera should be fixed soon:)
I must go fold the laundry now. The Union has been complaining about lack of available clean clothes.