Saturday, November 19, 2011

Trunk or Treat

Our first Halloween activity happened on Saturday, Oct. 29 at the church. The annual Trunk or Treat was the biggest I've ever seen it. The kids filled their buckets with tons of candy, which we used to give out to neighborhood kids on Halloween. It saved us lots of money, and we got rid of the candy quickly! Just don't tell the kids. They didn't know that was their candy.

The football star and the secret agent: (although in the car on the way over he was calling self my lawyer)

Grace getting candy from Handsome Rob (he insists on being called that)

Joey, who was a secret agent, saw many of his (girl)friends that day. Brekklen is one of his favorite friends, so I just had to snap this picture.  Joey had his "cool" face on.

Haley was in charge of handing out candy from our trunk. Although I heard later reports that she was actually throwing the candy.

And costume of the year goes to: Buddy the Elf! (Otherwise known as Carter W.)

Horseback Riding Continued...

As we waited for our turn in the arena, the kids got distracted by the pig roaming around, dogs, horses, and, of course -- poop.

This was a really funny moment: This poor little kid just walked by the horse, who grabbed the kid's bucket and wouldn't let go. They had quite the tug-of-war going for awhile. The kid won.

When it was our turn to ride, Matthew was a natural. He moved right along with the horse (good genes, I think), and was totally at ease up there.  He loved riding around the arena, and especially loved looking and listening to all the other horses. He spent the rest of the week demonstrating his horse sounds.

While the other kids were riding, we waited our turn in line.  Matt and Emily are in nursery together, and they had a really fun time in the dirt!

The Dog Lover

A few weeks ago, we went with some of Matt's friends to the stables for some horseback riding.  Before we got into the arena, Matt found several canine friends.  He rubbed their ears (which dogs either seem to love, or they bite him when he tries it).  Luckily, all of these dogs loved it, and Matt made lots of new friends.

He couldn't reach this guy's ears, but they were both very interested in each other: