I just want to recap what happened the other day. Sometimes it's just one of those days. After cleaning the massive diarrhea spray from the tub, the baby then decided (after his nap) to pump hand soap all over the bathroom. Not just the counter, but the floor and walls as well. I guess it could have been worse, right? Although cleaning up a large, soapy mess isn't that much fun. This happened, by the way, while I was doing the dishes, deep in my own pleasant bliss, ecstatic that I was accomplishing something. So you see, these things happen because of a gross lack in parental monitoring - yes - but at least I'm not sitting somewhere eating bon bons at the time. I am actively engaged in my work.
Then, during dinner, Joey decided to once again gag himself on his food, and proceeded to lose his dinner all over the kitchen floor. It didn't splatter all that much though -- he hadn't had much water to drink. It's funny how one can be happy about the little things, isn't it?
And then, as I was cleaning out the hallway closet (See? Doing my chores...), the baby came up to me and was acting like he had something on his tongue. I thought he wanted me to fish a hair or something like that out of his mouth. But as I bent down to rumage through his out-stretched tongue, I smelled it. He had gotten the diffuser oil and tried to drink it. I panicked as I ran to the bathroom (I knew that was the only one that was in his reach - but only if he pushed the stool over and climbed up on the counter), but was glad that I found it pretty much as full as I left it. There were diffuser reeds all over, and a little spilled, but I decided just to watch him and make sure he hadn't injested more than I thought. He didn't. Everybody's fine. But see what I get for trying to be productive?
Joey just started piano lessons. I'm the teacher, and he has informed me that he expects a lesson every single day. He's doing really well, and practices at least 4 or 5 times a day. We were watching TV and he just jumped up in the middle of a show and said, "I'm going to practice my piano!" Okay, then!
This morning I caught Gracie mimicking me being the teacher. She had her trusty pen in hand as she pointed out the notes while Joey played them. It was so cute, even when he was getting annoyed with her for not keeping up!