Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Union Acts

The Union has voted on a new Steward to conduct its day to day business. Apparently, I did not know the Executive Committee was having a meeting to vote on their new Steward, but, in fact, he has already started to act in his new role.

I have found that my deodorant was taken from the Management's bathroom and relocated to a place unknown. I made a dash for the store to buy more (thinking it had been thrown away), only to find it the next day stashed deep in a corner in the Management's closet. Management's lip balm has also been taken by said Steward and not been found. It has been replaced as of this afternoon.

Management has also been finding that the Steward has been re-organizing things all around the house. Every day, I find a new article in the Management's bathroom drawer, including magnets, action figures, and balls.

Management has provided fringe benefits to this Steward, including his favorite toys, juice in a sippy cup, and multitudes of snack options. Yet this Steward insists on bypassing said fringe benefits in favor of emptying Management's cupboards while they are trying to cook, clean, and get anything productive done.

Arbitration may be needed. Anyone with ties to this Agent of Darkness:

should call the Appointing Authority before a contract dispute is in the works and strike ensues.

Harvest Time! School Time!

Fall is my favorite season of the year, but I find myself in the kitchen A LOT, trying to do something with the bounty that is our garden. Here is just one day's worth of loot:
I'm really excited that we've had a productive garden this year. Of course, I think squash could grow anywhere! I've been busy making and freezing lots of soups. I have a great, easy butternut squash soup recipe if any of you would like it. It has squash, cream cheese, onion, chicken broth, and some spices and it's oh so yummy. I've got two batches frozen already, just from four squash!
We were in the garden the other day, and I was searching for some treasures, so Grace and Joey came to help. Joey got distracted catching grasshoppers, but Grace shouted, "Hey! I found a smoosh!" I didn't know what a "smoosh" was until she grabbed a giant squash. I guess 'squash' and 'smoosh' mean the same thing, so she just got them mixed up. We thought it was so cute, though, that now squash are known as 'smooshes' in our house.
We also found what I call "The Champ", and the kids call "The Green Monster" (Go Red Sox!). It was a great big zucchini we stumbled upon in the garden. It took three of us to pull it out. It's almost two feet long. I don't want to cut it up because it's so awesome, but I'm afraid it's going to be dinner. So long, Champ.
So far, everyone is enjoying school. Yesterday was our first day, and Andrew and Haley settled into their regular schedules perfectly. Haley was up at 5:30 doing her hair, and Andrew struggled out of bed at 7:15. He is so happy to have his best friend, Ryan, in his class again this year! Three years in a row!
Haley is happy to be socializing again, and dealing with some whacky teachers. I laughed at her reinactment of her history class, where they did some hippie exercises because "history is all about acting" according to her alternative-style teacher. It should be a fun and interesting year!