Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just Trying to Stay Out of Trouble...

I absolutely love the giant flatscreen TV my mom got us for Christmas.  I just hate seeing my kids drooling in front of it.  So I've made a rule that there will be no TV watching all day, until after dinner is eaten and cleaned up (what am I, crazy?).  So we fill our days with other useful pursuits, including:

Piano lessons.  Both the older boys are taking piano (from me).  Andrew has been going for quite awhile, and would be farther along if I'd remember to give him a lesson once a week.

Joey just started and is playing beautifully.  We're working on how long to hold the notes, and keeping good position.  He loves it, and practices several times a day (but only for about three minutes each).

Here are some pictures of Andrew at the piano, Joey bugging Andrew at the piano, Grace and Matt just trying to stay out of trouble, and the clay creations of Andrew and Joey.  Joey's is called "Happy Feet", and I'm sure you can guess what Andrew's is called!  Grace decided to do some stamping instead.  I should have included a picture of her inked hands and arms.  Maybe next time!

Still Trying with My Son, Mr. Simon Cowell

Nap times in Big Boy Bed are going okay... although he about through a seizure the other day because he wanted his crib.  Then another day, as I was snuggling with Grace, I kept hearing this banging.  I knew it was coming from his room, so I went to investigate.  You just can't leave something like that unattended with this kid.  So, of course, I found him in his bed, happy as a lark, banging his feet against the wall.  Hey, whatever makes you happy!  At least he wasn't doing some unapproved construction project.  I was fine with it, so I left him to it.  A few minutes later there was silence, so I peeked in again to find him fast asleep:)

Just a second ago he was standing right here by the wall, making pushing sounds.  Since I've already changed the first poopy of the day, I just asked him if he was pooping again.  He turned around, backed up, and lifted up his shirt so I could check.  Am I that predictable?

He was acting a little judgemental this morning, which is the reason for the Simon reference.  I was running a little bit late this morning (because I had to convince Joey that it was okay to wear his pajamas to school on Pajama Day.  It finally dawned on me what all the fuss was about.  He didn't realize that everybody was going to be wearing their pajamas.  He couldn't figure out why I wanted to send him to school in his pajamas, but he's got it figured out now.).  So as I was getting Matt's shoes on, with my soaking wet hair pulled back, and sans makeup, he gave me this look.  It was a look I hadn't really seen before.  He looked embarrassed!  He looked me up and down, pointed to my hair and face, and started talking his jibberish while looking very ashamed of my appearance.  He kind of looked away, as if he couldn't even BELIEVE I was going to go out that way, and then did it again!  He must think that I was not only about to make a big mistake, but that I was so stupid that he had to repeat himself!

He also picked up my clothes for me this morning.  I thought that was weird.  What wasn't weird was that he put them in the hallway, draped over a stool.  That was normal behavior.