We had an awesome time camping this past weekend. I wasn't sure how well it would go, but all four of our potty-trained kids came. That's our rule for camping -- you can go as long as you're potty trained. I have enough to do while in the mountains, I'm not going to change diapers too!
We got our favorite camping spot, complete with a stone fort somebody took a lot of time to make. The boys loved it! They also loved peeing in the woods. I think that might have been they're favorite part. There were outhouses available, but they preferred the really old-fashioned way.
We had great weather, no rain, wasn't too cold or too hot. We didn't catch any fish, but oh well. We left 2 1/2 hours after we had planned to go, and had to come back 2 hours earlier than planned because we had to get Joey to the doctor to see if he needed stitches. But we're looking forward to our next trip already! This is Joey fishing all by himself. I couldn't believe how well he could cast.
And here's the eye. It looked much worse the night before, when it was a big gaping gusher. He has a nice shiner on his eyelid. He was pretty tough about the whole thing. He got a little too close to the water pump while Andrew was pumping water. He got the metal arm right in the eye.

Haley had her first fire-starting lesson. My husband is an expert at fire. It was good to see him passing his knowledge of destruction to the next generation.

Here's a group pic, minus the photographer, of course. We had a great time at dinner, contrary to Grace's expression. Dad made his world famous hamburger, onion, potato, and carrot foil dinners. They were yummy!

The girls had a great time bonding in the great outdoors. Grace ate more than I have ever seen her eat in my entire life. Ben and I were making bets on who would be the first to vomit, and all bets were on her. We made it through the trip with no pukers!