Our baby turned one today! I'm so sad, but happy too. I can't believe all my children have numbers now, not just months for their ages. That makes me a little sad. I'll probably use months for his age anyway for as long as I can. I'll be saying, "oh, he's 84 months old....".
The party was so fun! We had both sets of grandparents, plus Grandma Bertha, Matthew's great-grandma! Aunt Jill and Uncle Anthony were there with Lita, Hiram, and Micah. The kids always have so much fun playing with their cousins. And there were new toys this time, too!
The party was so fun! We had both sets of grandparents, plus Grandma Bertha, Matthew's great-grandma! Aunt Jill and Uncle Anthony were there with Lita, Hiram, and Micah. The kids always have so much fun playing with their cousins. And there were new toys this time, too!
Here is the gathering. We pushed all the furniture around to fit everyone.

We sang "Happy Birthday", and poor little Matthew couldn't figure out why everybody was gathering around staring at him and singing. He was a little concerned, but he was really mesmerized by the candle.

He wasn't too sure about the cake either (obviously I don't bake much).

But he decided he liked it.

After pizza and cake, it was present time! This ball fountain was from Grandma Nan and Grandpa Fred. It was a big hit!

Here's Joey just being silly.

We got Matt a rocking horse that sings and makes horsey noises. It's little enough for him to climb up on. The mouth moves, and he kept trying to kiss it.

He likes riding too! What a true cowboy...

Happy birthday, Matt! We love you!