We've all been bent over the porcelain king this week. Even I got sick this time, and it was not fun. It's been forever since I actually caught one of the stomach flu's my kids have had. It was a good reminder of how awful it is. I never want to do that again. It started with Andrew last Friday, then Joey Saturday night, then Haley was at her friend's house Monday night and got it, then the baby threw up at Jill's house on Wednesday and I had it all night Wednesday. Ben and Grace seemed to have missed the throwing up part. Anyway, I'm glad it's over. I hope it's over.
Here's some of our pre-flu fun. Ben and I figured out (finally) how to make good sushi. Our first role fell apart, but after that we got the hang of it. It tasted down right professional! I'm just glad no one was sick when we made this:

We also had some fun at one of the spray parks here. We had our fill of the one closer to our house, so we went way up to the heights to play at this one. My camera is still broken, so it will only take a few shots, and most of them are out of focus. It got pretty crowded, so we were only there for awhile. But we had fun and will probably go back when we're all better.

Yesterday, our neighbor was mowing the lawn and asked Andrew to catch him some grasshoppers for his fishing trip today. All the kids got in on it and they caught about 10 grasshoppers (for which they were payed generously by the neighbor). Andrew caught one to keep and made a little home for it in an old salsa jar. The grasshopper started jumping around in there, and Andrew showed Dad. Dad said that grasshoppers are used to wide open spaces and they like to jump. Andrew thought about that for a few moments, then disappeared with his new friend. When he came back downstairs, his grasshopper was gone. We asked what he had done with his new friend, and he said, "I let him go because I felt sorry for him. He's used to wide open spaces." What a sweetheart! He just couldn't bare to see that little thing suffer in an enclosure. He's such a good boy.