This week seems to have slipped away from me. But I'll catch up now. It's better than vacuuming, right? On Tuesday night I went to Julia's wedding shower. She is the little sister of one of my good friends growing up. I was also one of the counselors in YW when she was growing up. I can remember when she was born - and it's making me feel a little old. The shower was a lot of fun, especially when they showed the tape of him answering questions. She had to guess what his answer would be before they showed it, and if she got it wrong she had to chew another piece of gum. It's a bridal shower game that makes me laugh every time. Here are some pictures.
The Bride

Part of the party. I couldn't get the whole room at once. We were doing a wedding word scramble, at which I failed horribly.

The toilet paper bridal gown dress-up game. My team's dress was in the middle. We didn't win.

On Thursday we were able to enjoy some time with Emily (Ben's sister) and her son, Kanalu. He is the same age as Joey, just 4 weeks apart. They have so much fun together, and again we wish they lived closer. But they're actually moving quite a bit farther away. But we'll visit, we promise!
Here is Grandma Nan swinging Matthew. He just laughed and laughed. You can tell he was enjoying grandma's attention.

Kanalu saw I was going to take a picture and he posed for me.