Ben said I'm not allowed to selectively blog, that I have to blog about myself too. So he took some pictures of my preparation for enrichment yesterday. I'm the enrichment leader in our ward, which is very small. But it seems like no matter how many people you have, you still have to get SO MUCH stuff ready!
Yesterday we made fruit bouquets, and I underestimated the amount of time it would take to prepare. I worked all day long, and thankfully Ben was able to come home and help. The worst part was making all the homemade play dough. I had to make dozens of play dough balls, because that's what you put in the bottom of your vase to stick the spears into. So each person needed one, and they're cheaper than floral foam, so there I stood, kneading the dough all day. My hand is still killing me. I had to multiply the recipe by 16, and something went horribly wrong. It was way too mushy, so I just kept adding flour and salt and oil until it worked. Frustrating.

But we got it all prepared and over to the church. We set up and got everything ready (that took 2 1/2 hours), had taco bell for dinner, and waited for people to show up.

Here are some pictures of the ladies having fun. First we did a veggie-dish cook off, and awarded three prizes to the top finishers. Then we made our fruit bouquets, which was a lot of fun. We called it a "Fruits and Veggies Night". We had a lot of fruit left, because some people who signed up didn't make it. But for those who did, we had a fabulous time!