Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Allergy Test Results

Well, we had our allergy doc appointment today.  Thank you to Colleen for getting Andrew for us -- we didn't get home until 3:30!!  That was a long appointment.  And thank you to Grandma Nan for babysitting the little ones for so long!  It would have been impossible to have them there.

I was really hoping that the results would be better.  We were hoping that the egg allergy was going away, and that we could start cooking with eggs again.  No such luck.  It hasn't changed one bit.

Joey was a champ.  He was poked lots and lots of times, but he held it together.  The worst part was the itchy back.  He couldn't touch it for 15 minutes after they poked him, and it was torture.  But he survived, and they rubbed anti-itch cream on it and gave him an antihistamine also.  By the time we got home, the marker was still on his back, but the giant welts were not.

So instead of outgrowing some of his allergies, like I had hoped, he has new ones as well as the old.  Here is his allergy list.  New allergies are in bold:

tree nuts (almond, brazil nut, cashew, hazelnut, pecan, walnut, sunflower seed)

He also has asthma and has to be on an inhaler.  Can't wait to see my pharmacy bill.

Poor Shoji is the probable cause of his skin outbreaks and breathing problems.  But we've got prescriptions for those too.  If you don't hear from me for awhile it means I fainted at the pharmacy and had to be hospitalized for shock.

This Week

I have been busy selling my house this week, so not much blogging going on here.  But we're still undecided where we'll go.  We're still waiting for our buyers to sell their house, so hopefully it won't fall through.  We'll see how it all turns out!  Hopefully we'll decide here pretty soon where we're going to go.  Do we build?  Do we wait?  Do we find a house?  I have no idea.

But the weather was great this week, so we cooked hot dogs over the fire pit.  Joey loved them.  Lots of them.

Dad about had a conniption fit when Haley's friend came over, and it was a boy.

Matt wanted out in the front.  He settled for the back, but he felt like he was in jail.

I love that he can go down the slide all by himself now.  That makes me look forward to playgroup!  Maybe I'll be able to sit and talk with the other mothers without having to follow him around the whole time.

And we had a great time with friends.  That's what sandboxes are for.

And thank goodness Grandpa Fred always has time to beat the kids at a quick game of checkers.