Sunday, May 19, 2013


We have one word for Uncle Sam's Easter Egg hunts: Epic.  They will now, and forever, be completely impossible to complete.  We're still looking for eggs.  From last year.
I think we have less than 10 to still find from this year.  Maybe my grandkids will find them someday.
Uncle Sam's hunts require physical, mental, and emotional skill.  And you should probably bring a snack, because you're going to be out there for awhile!

Highlights from Hawaii

Andrew took his first trip to Hawaii at the beginning of February.  I think he was most excited to miss over a week of school.  He also had his tonsils out last November, so his attendance record is suffering a bit.  But his teacher told me not to worry about any make-up work.  I asked and asked for work for him to take with him.  She wouldn't give him any.  He didn't need it, she said.  And he has straight A's, so I guess she was right!
I knew Andrew would love Hawaii, and he did.  He wasn't even homesick, and he was sad to leave.
Here he is overlooking Waikiki, where he stayed at the Hale Koa.
 Andrew found lots of animals to befriend, including fish, lizards, turtles, and birds.
One of his first stops was to Pearl Harbor.  He enjoyed the ferry ride over, and loved learning about its history. 
One of the best highlights of the trip was the Polynesian Cultural Center, of course.  It is probably the most fun part of Hawaii.  Everyone there is happy and funny.  There is great music and food and games, including throwing spears: 
Andrew also got to hike and swim at waterfalls: 
Here's more of Pearl Harbor.  This is part of the USS Arizona, sunk down in the harbor, and the wall of names of those who died.  Andrew also got to tour a submarine, which was loaded with guns, much to his pleasure! 
He loved the food, the weather, the smells, animals, and cool plants and trees that cover Hawaii.  It is definitely a cool place to be!