Saturday, May 9, 2009

60th Anniversary

Aren't they cute?! 60 years and still smiling!

Today was my Kirschenmann Grandparents' 60th Anniversary party. We met my mom, Jerry, and Kelsey at their house and traveled in a caravan down to Hardin. We went to my aunt Carol's house and met up with all the family. We were able to see family that we haven't seen in many, many years. It was so good to see all of them! We love it when my Uncle Paul and his wife Cindy come visit from ND. Cindy cracks me up, and she was so nice to give Joey a sucker when he was feeling left out because he couldn't have the cake. Speaking of Joey, he left quite an impression on my family who hadn't met him before. Joey is very, let's see - transparent - I guess you could say. You can immediately tell his emotions just by looking at his face. They all cracked up with his faces and his comments. Nobody ever forgets Joey! Aunt Linda and aunt Kathy really had a good time with him. Andrew had a great time playing with some cousins. Grace wanted to play catch all day, and Haley and I also played a lot of volleyball. My uncle Leo and aunt Carol have a gigantic yard, complete with a volleyball net. It was great fun! Here are some pics:

Haley grabbed the camera and got some great photos. Here's Grandpa, and behind him is my cousin Jimmy in the orange, my uncle Jim in the grey, my cousin Patrick in the white, and my uncle Paul.

I wanted a picture of just me and Grace, because we were accidentally wearing the same thing. And Kelsey and I matched too! But anyway, Matthew wanted in on the action, so here's all three of us.
I never thought I'd have a child who resembled me. One out of five isn't bad, huh?

Kelsey and Haley had Matthew practicing his new walking skills in the big back yard.

Matthew was very content to have daddy all to himself, for once.

Joey, Andrew and I practiced some baseball. They both made some great contact with the ball. We even played a little more when we got home. I'm so glad they love baseball too!

And here's my little Haley, a chip off the old block. We had a lot of fun volleying back and forth before the net was put up.

Grace really loves her new purple baseball mitt. She begged me over and over to play catch with her.

Before we left, uncle Leo wanted some family pictures. Mom took a couple with our camera. Grandpa Jerry was trying to get the kids to look at the camera, but they just thought he was funny. Hopefully uncle Leo and my cousin Gary got some better ones. This will have to do for now!
Kelsey caught a ride with us on the way home. Matthew kept egging her on. Then he threw a fit and fell asleep. The other kids were zombied out by the movie. It was a pretty quiet ride home.
I'm so glad we were able to share this special day with our family. It's not often we get to see them all. I'm hoping to be able to celebrate our 60th anniversary sometime. I hope we have all our family around us at that time. I can't even imagine!


On Friday we had a fun playdate with our friends. It is actually Joey's girlfriend - well, one of them anyway. I should say it's his favorite girlfriend. He usually meets a new girl he wants to marry about once a week. But these two are hilarious. She and her family used to be in our ward before they moved. Joey and Kourtney were in the same sunbeam class, and before that they were in nursery together. That's where it all started. Since then, the entire Primary has gotten plenty of laughs watching them hold hands and snuggle in the front row. He'd put his arm around her, and she would lean her head on his shoulder. So cute! We really enjoy our playdates, and Kourtney's mom and I get to catch up. They have a gigantic yard, and the kids had a blast. Here's Gracie on the playground:
Matthew just crawled around enjoying himself. He didn't even eat any rocks. Then, to our astonishment, he took his first steps! It was so surprising because he gets so mad at us when we try to make him walk. And then he just took off! He's our slowest walker. The others all walked before 10 months. Andrew walked at 8 1/2 months, the little stinker. So I've really been enjoying Matt staying a baby a little longer. But I guess the party's over...

When it was lunch time, Joey felt like he needed to scoot his chair over to sit right next to Kourtney.

Here's the two cuties chasing each other in the back yard.

And here they are taking a boat ride together.
It was a fun day, despite the spurts of rain. Joey even got to stay a little longer and play after I left to give the little ones a nap. Can't wait to see them again!