Saturday, March 17, 2012

Science Fair and the St. Patrick's Day Parade

Andrew has been working hard on his oxygen science fair project.  We found out that a bigger fire uses more oxygen, and Andrew was very well rehearsed in giving his presentation.  The room was full of parents, grandparents, and kids all sharing their experiments.  I think I speak for all of us when I say "I'm glad that's over!"

 (Grandpa checking out Andrew's best friend Ryan's experiment)

(Grace and Miss Emily -- we helped her with her voice range experiment!) 


And today is St. Patrick's Day!  In addition to cleaning up all the terrible messes the naughty leprechauns left us, we went downtown to take part in the Celtic street fair and parade.

As usual, we grabbed our hot dogs and sodas (usually they throw in a bag of chips, all for $2, but the chips were stuck in traffic on a truck somewhere -- so we got a soda and hot dog for $1!!)

We were a little later than usual getting to the fair, so we had to gulp down our lunch and go pick a spot for the parade.

But we had to stop and watch some Irish dancers first. The boys got up nice and high where they could see better.

The girls were happy to stay on the ground. 

We found our spot in the shade (it was 72* today!)

Now, please notice Joey's face in the next few photos.  Do you have that one kid that always ruins the photo?  That's Joey.  Every time.  Him and his eyebrows. 

We all enjoyed the parade, and took home a sack full of candy.  Matthew danced pretty much the whole time.  I love that he's not embarrassed to dance in front of anybody.  It's still cute. 

And here are a few of the things we really liked: 

When the Deloreans come, it is the moment we've all been waiting for. 

This thing just plane scared me.  It was the most awful machine I've ever seen. It was crooked and loud.  And it might not seem that big, but look at that full sized man on the ground. It would have squashed us like a bug. 

Until next year!

The Leprechauns Strike Again!

We forgot to put out the gold last night, and the leprechauns got us!

They left tiny footprints all over the kitchen as they searched around, finding nothing.  So they got into the fridge, jumped up on the counter, and turned our bread, licorice, and milk green!

Grace just couldn't believe that little guy.  She declared that his name is Roy G. Bivs. He has the most magic, so it must have been him.

 Notice Joey already has on his green shirt for the day.  He didn't want any pinches, so he put it on right after getting out of bed.

(They searched outside for footprints, but it rained, so they must have washed away)

 Detective work continuing...

 AAAHHHH!  She couldn't believe they made it up onto the counter.  Leprechauns are VERY good jumpers.

Oh man! They even got the licorice! AND the bread! 

Unbelievable!  I hope none of them show up to make a mess of the parade!