Friday, May 27, 2011

Matt Turns 3! Joey Loses Another Tooth!

Matt turned 3 on Monday.  We had been warning him all week that as soon as he did, there would be no more diapers.  It's been a long, messy week.

The birthday party was very fun.  We made a chocolate cake, had the Cammons, all the Grandmas and Grandpas, Uncle Sam and Allison, and our neighbor Shan over for the party.  Matthew didn't really care about the presents -- all he wanted was that cake.  But when he actually saw what was in there, he was pretty happy with the gifts, as well.  He got a new scooter from the Manleys, some playground balls from the Kazmierskis, a bubble gun from the Cammons, new garbage trucks from his siblings, and a matching game from Ben and I.  It was a success!


Also, Joey yanked out his other front tooth.  It took some prying, bleeding, and knuckling, but he got it with great effort.  That kid is tough.  And now he has quite the lisp.