Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend of Family Fun

We had loads of fun this weekend.  First, Uncle Sam stopped by with his new scooter.  The boys were so very impressed, and wanted to take a ride.  Andrew was up first, and Matthew was so sad.  But not because he wanted to ride -- he didn't.  He was just upset because he thought Andrew was leaving.

Then it was Joey's turn.  He was excited and nervous.  I put him up there and he hung on for dear life.  He really loved it, and wants to buy one.  So does Haley.  She's actually saved enough money for one, but we've got to get her used to driving a car first, I think.

We went to the park later that night, and took no pictures.  We set up the badmitton net and had a family game.  Matthew wandered over and picked up something off the ground.  He looked at it and realized it was dog poop.  Then he shuddered and dropped it, with a disgusted look on his face.  Andrew was not there for this, and later on in the evening, he wandered over to the same spot and wondered "why the ground is so squishy over here".  Good thing we had wipies in the car.

We had swim lessons with Kelsey on Saturday morning.  Andrew worked on his diving, and Joey was able to go retrieve the dive toy off the bottom of the pool.  That was impressive!  Gracie got over her fear of jumping in by herself, and became the diving board queen.  Matthew saw this and also jumped off the diving board twice.  That boy is a crazy man.