Our day started out great, with a trip to the mall for a playgroup with the ladies from church. There were so many kids there! I think Fridays are a little too busy because all of the out-of-towners coming in to do their shopping. Plus, there is the State Wrestling Tounament in town today. So it was extra hard to keep an eye on little Mr. Busy Pants. At first, he acted very strangely. He's usually fine in a big group of people, but he was pretty freaked out. He kept losing track of where I was sitting, and he would make a b-line for the door. I had to chase him quite a few times, and found him in tears only seconds after he realized he couldn't find me. So I played with him and showed him around. Then he wanted Gracie so bad that he desperately followed her and wrapped his little arms around her to keep ahold. It was so cute! Grace was just moving too fast, though, and she would break free and then he would cry. Finally, he settled down and remembered where I was. After each time he would go do something, he would look back at me to make sure I was there, and give me a great big smile.
Gracie had a great time with her friends, even though she doesn't look like it in this picture. She only had to have two time-outs. One because I had asked her to walk, and she decided to keep running. She got to sit for a few minutes until she could remember to walk. The other was because she was beating up on Matthew, sticking her hand in his face. She got to sit for a few more minutes until she could remember to be nice. In the picture below she was mad because I wanted to take her picture before I would help her down.
Is it just me, or does it sometimes look like his eyebrows are going to fall right off his head?
Luckily, I caught Matt in the act of taking off his socks in the nook of a tree. They would have been lost forever, I'm sure!
Grace and her friend decided to pick up Matt and swing him back and forth. I could see the horrified looks of the other mothers who didn't know my kids (my friends that were there didn't think much of it -- because they know my kids), so I did my due diligence as a mother, snapped a picture, and then told the girls that it might be better if they left him on the floor. He was disappointed that he didn't get to go for a ride.
He did find a few holes to squirt himself through. He landed on his head so many times today, we might have to check him for brain damage.
Andrew gets out of school at 2:30. At exactly 2:28, I pulled out of my driveway, apparently in La La Land, not a care in the world, until I put the car in drive and it failed to move. I had neglected to remember that the massive expanse of what used to be ice covering our coul de sac was now a big mushy mess. Try as I might, Vanny didn't move. But, good thing for friends, right? I called Colleen, whose daughter is in Andrew's class, and has been a life-saver on more than one occaision (the most recent was yesterday, in fact), and she went searching for Andrew, brought him home, and laughed with me as we stared at the poor minnie. It sat there, sulking, until Ben got home and pushed her out.

I had to include this picture, just so I could remember that today, Matthew soaked three outfits. I finally got so sick of it, that I refused to dress him anymore. He was not too unhappy about it. One time he stuck his whole arm in my glass of water, and thus had to be changed. Another time he pushed a chair over to the sink and soaked his whole ensemble -- changed again. And I actually can't even remember what he did to soak himself the other time. I guess I'll be doing extra laundry tomorrow.

Joey has been crying for a half hour because his legs hurt. He just started on some Prednisone today to shrink his tonsils. Ben is on his way to the ER, because Joey can't even walk. But he just called me to say that as soon as they pulled in, Joey's legs stopped hurting. They're going to give it a few minutes to see if it starts up again. If not, I think I'll get them checked next week because they hurt him an aweful lot. I have figured it to be growing pains, but tonight was certainly different. Maybe the steroids are making them worse? I'll let you all know how it turns out...