Man, I've been bad at this blogging stuff lately. I hope I get my act together soon.
As promised, here are some pictures of our trip to the fair. Did you know that the fair is the place on Earth that you can blow through your hard-earned money the fastest? It is. I promise. It didn't take us long before our wad was gone.
Our first stop was the ferris wheel (a.k.a. the first ride we passed). Grace and Joey were so glad to be up there. Andrew was safety patrol, and made sure everybody sat down and didn't touch the "doors". He was kind of freeked because there were no seatbelts, and the previously mentioned "doors" had no latch, and swung open at will.
Next, the bumper cars. Dad and Joey were on the prowel for Andrew.
They found him.
Haley and her friend Kalin had fun on the big-girl rides.
And they even took Andrew on a few.
The little ones were so happy to go on the kiddie rides. They went running from one to the next, and were always quick to say "thank you" to the creepy-ish carnies.
Hey, I think this guy is too big for that helicopter.
One of the four fun houses.
Riding on the train with Daddy. They could have gone around all day.
Spinny wheel. This part is always my favorite to watch. I remember going through it as a kid, and hating it. My kids thought it was pretty awesome.
The boys loved this one. It just whipped you around.
Another fun house, with Daddy helping.
I was laughing hysterically as she went through this.
Here we are on one of the spinny rides. I think Andrew had just about had enough by the time we got to this one. He kept saying, "Slower... slower..."
Oh, and why should I be surprised at the fact that Joey ran into one of his girlfriends? I mean, he's got them scattered around the city. We run into them often. He had just gone to this one's birthday the week before. They were oh-so-glad to see each other again. They sat on the ride together, and then sadly parted ways.
We made enchiladas as our back-to-school dinner. Gracie always helps with the cheese.
Joey was ready for school, and even though he doesn't look too happy, he was pretty excited. He just wants you to know that he's tough.
Andrew was super excited, especially because he's once again got his best friend in the same class. Hooray!
Joey was still deciding if this was fun or not. It turned out that it was.
Is there anything in the world more cute than a bunch of five-year-olds lined up with bulging backpacks and great big eyes? I tell you -- there is not.
We made it through the first (half) week of school. To celebrate, we had our first sleepover of the new year. We took Andrew's best friend, Andrew, Joey, and Grace to see the Ramona movie at the Drive-In. We were pleasantly surprised at how fun it was. The kids loved the rides and sitting outside. Until the car died because we had the auxiliary on for two hours. But have no fear, our hero came to the rescue. Ben arrived a few minutes after I called him, and promptly started my car. I guess it wasn't totally dead. But it was pretty dead.
The roller coaster was a hit with all the kids... for the first loop.
Then they stopped it to let Grace off...
Then they stopped it to let Joey off...
And the big boys enjoyed every minute!