Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog Trouble

I'm having trouble uploading pictures onto our blog because of a new program on our computer.  We'll hopefully get it fixed pretty soon.  So, no pictures until then.

Maybe I'll give you a union update.  For background on the Union/Management conflicts and history in my house, click here and here.

The Union's Steward has been especially busy lately.  He has grown more demanding in his requests, and has added power words to his vocabulary.  These include, "Dat's MINE!", "Now!", "No want it!", "Again!", and "Stop it!"

The Union has sent him on missions to destroy management's assets.  We will be seeking mediation shortly if these days of destruction continue.  Until then, we will document our losses here so that we can request compensation at some later date.

1.  Microwaved a box of dominoes.
2.  Destroyed tiles in the master bathroom.
3.  Turned the Assistant Manager's makeup into a lake.
4.  Tried to destroy kitchen floor with water, barbecue sauce, chocolate milk, and applesauce.
5.  Starts dishwasher with no dishes in it, and stops dishwasher during cycles.
6.  Tried to burn down house with candles.
7.  Tried to cut through the kitchen counter with knives.
8.  Unrolled and destroyed a large roll of outdoor vinyl.
9.  Attempted to short out the electrical system by sticking a paper clip in an outlet.
10.  Poked a hole through one of the living room screens.
11.  Dumped out an entire bottle of brand-new shampoo.
12.  Almost destroyed the kitchen counter and table by drawing all over them with marker.

Rest assured, this list will continue to grow.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Joey or Matt? Who is who?

 People always comment on how much Joey and Matt look alike.  I usually don't see it until I look back at pictures.  I was adding Matt's picture to a collage of the other kids, and I stepped back to look at it.  I couldn't believe how much they look alike.  But I think he's a good mix between Andrew and Joey.  His baby pictures look a lot like Andrew, too.  Can you tell who is who?

Laser Tag Injury and A Naughty Little Boy

I really promise I'm not a bad blogger.  I'm going to be better and do this more often.  I think Opera rehearsals are sucking the life out of me...

Andrew and Joey went to their friend's birthday party last week.  Andrew came home and told me that his shoulder hurt.  Now, I don't ignore my kids' serious injuries, but I do usually wait until they complain more than once about something.  Otherwise I'd be treating every boo boo all day long.  When Andrew came back again, and told me it hurt, I decided to take a look.  I guess it really did hurt!  That is quite a bruise.  He was proud of his war wound.  That must have been some game!

I'm pretty sure you can all guess who the naughty one is going to turn out to be.  Here is the mastermind behind all my troubles.  When Grace goes to preschool, it's just the two of us.  Weird.  I haven't had just one kid at home for almost 6 years, even if it is just for 3 mornings a week.  So when I take a shower, he lines up all of his goodies (usually a bowl full of dry cereal, apple juice, a banana, his tiger, and his "dee dee" -- blanket) and he sits down to watch Clifford.  I usually find minimal damage afterwards.

 But today there I was, minding my own business, when Ben called to me: "Um, honey, you better come see this!"  I knew I was in for trouble. 

I entered my bathroom, where Matthew had taken out all of my make-up -- you know, the expensive Bare Minerals stuff -- and dumped some of it into the sink.  But that wasn't the worst part.  He had taken the plastic container that I use to store it, filled it up with water, and then submerged the rest of it carefully into the container.  And, of course, he had taken all the lids off first, so it was completely ruined.  Fabulous.  That's just what I needed.

This is what was still floating after I tried to rescue some of them.  We'll see what happens when they dry out, but I'm thinking they'll be a total loss.

I'm adding this to his tab.  He's got quite a bill running.  I hope he chooses a profession that pays well, because he owes me a lot of money.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Grace is a Schoolgirl

Grace had her first day of preschool yesterday, after two-and-a-half weeks of counting down.  It was very exciting.  She was so glad to finally be able to go for a full day of school.  She loves her teachers, her classroom, and her playground.  She met some new people that she likes, and one little girl that she doesn't.  She was very excited to be the first one to get the snack bucket.  We'll be bringing treats tomorrow to celebrate her birthday!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Andrew Turns 9!

We have a lot of events in September.  Our anniversary, Grace's birthday, and Andrew's birthday.  Today, Andrew had the honor.  He has a very famous birthday.  He was born on the actual Sept. 11.  I got to the hospital that morning, unaware of what was happening.  I called my mom to tell her which room I was in, so she could come up there later in the day.  She told me I had to turn on the TV.  We turned it on just as the second plane hit.  Then we watched the plane in DC, the plane in Pennsylvania, and I wondered when it would stop.  I was still excited to welcome our little baby into the world, but I wondered about how our world would be changing.

The nurses came in throughout the day, not to check on me, but to watch the TV.  That was fine with me.  I'd rather everybody just leave me alone when I'm in labor anyway.  I get sick of people bothering me.  But I left the hospital the next morning, about 15 hours after I had Andrew, because they closed the hospital to guests.  I was lonely.  And there was nothing to watch on TV.  So I just went home.

Andrew has been a wonderful blessing in our lives.  He is such a genuinely nice person (just like his dad).  He is happy, gentle, and kind.  I'm so glad he's here with us.  We love you, Andrew!

Here are some pictures from your special day:

Matt has loved the "Happy Birthday Song" for many months, and he loves to pretend to blow out the candles.  Lately, he's been turning things into candles and blowing them out.  This morning it was a bunch of pencils in a play-ice-cream-cone.  He was pretty proud of himself.

After a hearty dinner of Taco Soup, Andrew patiently waited for everyone to join him in the living room so he could start unwrapping the main attractions.  He was very pleased with what he got (thank you, everybody!).  We've been having a lot of fun with the laser tag; he has already put together the biggest, baddest lego set ever; and he is awaiting my laundry services so he can wear his new pajamas tomorrow.

Joey and I took pictures of each other.  It was his idea.

Grandma Jane tried to get Haley to cooperate.

We were so glad that Allison and Sam could join us.  I just love her!  We were talking about how weird it is that both my parents and Ben's parents have the same anniversary.  And Allison's parents have the same one, too.  Isn't that weird?  All three of them, on September 12 (which happens to be her birthday, too).  Whoa.

The birthday cake.  He wanted green.  I did what I could.  I should take a class or something because -- wow.
Happy birthday, buddy.  You're awesome!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Gracie Turns 4!!

Our little Gracie turned four Friday!  She has grown into such a cute young lady.  She makes us laugh everyday.  We are always surprised at the things she does and says, and love to soak up every minute we spend with her.

I remember the day she was born.  Joey, at age 18 months, woke me up to let me know I was in labor.  He just got up in the middle of the night, and sat there and stared at us.  That had never happened before.  I mean, he had been up in the middle of the night before, but this time it was for no reason, and he was completely calm.  And it hasn't happened since.  He wasn't upset, he wasn't tired.  He just knew she was on her way.  Those two have always had a special connection.  So I got up, and started having contractions.  Grandpa Jerry came over to sit with Joey, who still wouldn't go back to bed.  Three hours later, Gracie was born!  It was my easiest labor.  We were so greatful she was okay, because she had her cord around her neck.  But she was just fine, and was the sweetest little baby!  Joey would hold her for hours at a time.  He would hold her and stare at her.  And touch her tiny little head.  I never want to forget that!

Click here to see Gracie through the years.

We celebrated Grace's birthday a little bit Friday, but had the party yesterday. Friday her brothers woke her up, saying "Grace, happy birthday!"  She then proceeded to ask me if she was in charge for the day.  Not so much, I told her.  But she did wear a crown, chose what we had for breakfast, went to lunch with Daddy, and helped make her birthday cake.

Her party was graciously attended by her siblings, Mom and Dad, Grandpa Jerry (Grandma Jane is in Utah), Grandpa Fred and Grandma Nan, Jill, Hiram, Micah, and Great-Grandma Bertha.  We ate bbq chicken, salad, and cake and ice cream.

Grace got a lot of really nice things.  Aunt Jill got her an apron, oven mits, and a Tinkerbell plate.  Grandma Nan got her a new dress and a Hello Kitty purse.  Grandma Bertha gave her a card and $20.  Her brothers and sisters got her a Hello Kitty wallet.  Mom and Dad got her Tinkerbell dolls.  Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Jane got her Buzz Lightyear sheets and a blanket, and (my personal favorite) a real, red vacuum!  It's just her size.  Her brothers like it, also.  There has been much vacuuming in my house today.  I'm okay with that!

Here are a few of Gracie's favorites:

toy: Clifford

show: Clifford

movie: Avatar, the Last Airbender (the TV show discs)

food: cake

person: Joey

place to go: McKenzie's House

color: red

thing: cake

thing to do: Ride my bike

place to go eat: Chinese Food

song: I am a Child of God

book: Clifford

animal: tiger

Happy Birthday, little Missus!  We're so excited for you to be 4!  It will be a fun year!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy 10th Anniversary!

On this day, 10 lovely years ago, I married my sweetheart.

Look how young and cute and thin we were:

I remember that day perfectly.  There had been forest fires for two weeks before our wedding.  I was so worried that our outdoor pictures wouldn't turn out, but two days before our wedding, the rains came, and the smoke left.  I was so relieved.  And excited.  You had finally proposed ;) and the day was finally here!  I was so excited to be married for all eternity to someone so wonderful, gentle, honest, hard working, and loving.  You were an instant father, so patient and kind.  If I could pick one word to describe the last 10 years, it would be "beautiful".  You have given me four more beautiful children.  You have worked tirelessly (well, maybe you get a little tired -- but you keep going) to give us a beautiful life in a beautiful home.  I get to stay home and watch our children grow because of you.  Thank you.  I love you.  Here's to 10,000 more years!