Matt has been enjoying piggy back rides from big brother. This started on the trampoline, and has spilled over into the hallway.
For FHE, we made our annual pilgrimage to the J&K Farms pumpkin patch. They are the nicest people out there! And you can't beat the prices. We got all 7 pumpkins plus some decorative ones for $14. Totally worth the drive out past Laurel. If you go, it is on the road between Laurel and Red Lodge (but it is just outside Laurel -- turn left after mile marker 50). Our tradition is: Pick your pumpkin, then go to Pizza Hut! The people at Pizza Hut always get really big eyes when we walk in and tell them there will be 7 people dining all at once, and most of them are under age 9. It was 6:30 by the time we got to the restaurant, so the kids were ready to revolt if we didn't get some food inside them, and quick. So we did, then they went into a carb coma, and everybody was fine!
Here are some pics from our adventures:
Andrew tried to hide, but I found him.
Walking was not easy in the patch. Matt tripped just about every other step. He became very familiar with he ground. Here is one of Joey's (Matt went tumbling down right after this):
Matt carried his load several feet before dropping it!
Matt found several that he scattered around the patch. He didn't quite know what to think of this activity, but he definitely liked it. The pumpkin patch was in disarray after he left.
I told the kids to go look around, and stand by a pumpkin with their hand up when they found one they liked. This was for crowd control, mostly. Grace was (again) the only one who listened:
Joey cutting his pick:
Joey was happy with his final decision:
Andrew found a small one, but traded it for a larger one from the greenhouse:
Andrew added to the load, but Dad was able to handle it. Andrew was hungry:
Can you tell who this Batman is?
Matt had to get in on the action. Whatever big brothers do, Matt does, too:
Andrew looked dazed and confused. Not sure why:
Joey fit very nicely in the "cockroach":
Grace fit very nicely in the "witch":

First try for a family pic was the best, but...
I thought this one was hilarious:
This one is cute. He sat still very nicely for Daddy.
See you again next year, J&K!