And, of course, since we live here, today is much colder. I think it's going to be 40 degrees tomorrow. I've been trying to think of what Joey might be deprived of at our home-school preschool, and I decided that in addition to teaching him things like how to line up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, we should probably be doing some art projects. The problem is, I have absolutely no craft talent whatsoever. I am not artistic. I still draw a dog the same way I did in 2nd grade. I try to come up with ideas, but it just gives me a brain fart. So I went to the school supply store and got a couple of books. This is what we came up with:
We put a tablecloth on the kitchen table (yes, it's only about a foot off the floor - we like to eat Asian style), and had the kids trace their names and some shapes with dot paint:

Joey got the hang of it pretty quick.

After a little bit of a fit, Grace got it too.

We kept Matt in his high chair eating his favorite lunch, a cheese sandwich. He was a little sick of the camera, I think.

We also made some strawberry glasses. It was a quick (thank goodness) little project that the kids were able to do almost all by themselves. We used foam and pipe cleaners. Here they are admiring their work in the mirror:

Last night Matt took his first bubble bath. His digestive track is now squeaky clean!

Quote of the day, courtesy of Gracie: "What you problem is?"
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