Monday, April 27, 2009

Boring stuff

I hate to bore you all with the very uninteresting happenings of my day, but I figure this is a great way to journal. I have an actual journal, but I only seem to be able to write in it every 3 months or so. A friend told me that blogger will print and bind your blog, so I thought this would just be a good way to journal. So please humor me.

Last night as I was doing something in the kitchen (can't remember what now, not that it matters), I heard Matthew's "I'm unhappy somebody come help me" screech that he is so famous for. In fact, he's doing it right now, but he's supposed to be taking a nap so I'm leaving him to it. Anyway, where was I? Oh - so I turned around and there he was, stuck as a bug under a rug. Only he was under a chair and couldn't find a way out. So I decided to prolong his agony and snap a picture before I rescued him.

He was fine, just a little frustrated.

So a few weeks ago I got called as the Enrichment leader in our ward. I just about pooped my pants because I don't even go to RS - I'm the nursery leader (still am, btw). I don't know if I can think of stuff to entertain women who are 18 to 88 years old, but I guess I'll try. Let me know if you guys have done anything lately for Enrichment meetings that you thought was fun. I'd be glad for any ideas! So anyway, getting to the point. On Saturday I made this fruit bouquet (with dummy directions from the internet - I'm no Martha Stewart), and brought it to church the next day to show the ladies what we'll be doing for our next meeting in June. I thought it would look pretty ratty with me putting it together, but it turned out pretty cute, I think!

I'm hoping it will be a hit, but we'll see:)

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