On Friday we had a fun playdate with our friends. It is actually Joey's girlfriend - well, one of them anyway. I should say it's his favorite girlfriend. He usually meets a new girl he wants to marry about once a week. But these two are hilarious. She and her family used to be in our ward before they moved. Joey and Kourtney were in the same sunbeam class, and before that they were in nursery together. That's where it all started. Since then, the entire Primary has gotten plenty of laughs watching them hold hands and snuggle in the front row. He'd put his arm around her, and she would lean her head on his shoulder. So cute! We really enjoy our playdates, and Kourtney's mom and I get to catch up. They have a gigantic yard, and the kids had a blast. Here's Gracie on the playground:
Matthew just crawled around enjoying himself. He didn't even eat any rocks. Then, to our astonishment, he took his first steps! It was so surprising because he gets so mad at us when we try to make him walk. And then he just took off! He's our slowest walker. The others all walked before 10 months. Andrew walked at 8 1/2 months, the little stinker. So I've really been enjoying Matt staying a baby a little longer. But I guess the party's over...

When it was lunch time, Joey felt like he needed to scoot his chair over to sit right next to Kourtney.

Here's the two cuties chasing each other in the back yard.

And here they are taking a boat ride together.

When it was lunch time, Joey felt like he needed to scoot his chair over to sit right next to Kourtney.

Here's the two cuties chasing each other in the back yard.

And here they are taking a boat ride together.

It was a fun day, despite the spurts of rain. Joey even got to stay a little longer and play after I left to give the little ones a nap. Can't wait to see them again!
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