Last night we decided to have our annual backyard fireworks show. We can't do it in the front because a patrolman lives just a few houses away. We don't want another ticket. So we started out fine, with the boys still patient and controlled, and Grace waiting in unexpected bliss:
But that scene only lasted a few minutes. When we let the tanks loose on each other for our annual war of the tanks, Grace and Matthew both started crying, and the boys were jumping up and down laughing. It wasn't long before I had to take the little ones in and have them watch (still crying) from a bedroom window. Can't wait until tonight...
Matt's new favorite place is on the deck. It's like a new room out there with the roof. We put some plants and chairs and a coffee table out there, and we all love it. Matt especially likes it because that's where the dog's water dish was, and he would go splash in the dog drool water. We've since moved the water dish to under the deck, and Matt still likes to go out and play.

Doesn't he look like a big kid here? Breaks my heart...

He even has his own little chair. It's really cute to see him try and back up to sit on it. He loves his graham crackers, and sometimes shares with the plant.

He also likes to cram himself into places he really can't fit that well.

The basketball hoop is a big hit. We're always out there every day shooting hoops. Matt didn't want to be left out, so he grabbed a ball (soccer ball, but a ball nonetheless), and tried to shoot it all the way up in the hoop. It fell a few inches in front of him, and he laughed and clapped for himself every time.
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