Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Union Acts

The Union has voted on a new Steward to conduct its day to day business. Apparently, I did not know the Executive Committee was having a meeting to vote on their new Steward, but, in fact, he has already started to act in his new role.

I have found that my deodorant was taken from the Management's bathroom and relocated to a place unknown. I made a dash for the store to buy more (thinking it had been thrown away), only to find it the next day stashed deep in a corner in the Management's closet. Management's lip balm has also been taken by said Steward and not been found. It has been replaced as of this afternoon.

Management has also been finding that the Steward has been re-organizing things all around the house. Every day, I find a new article in the Management's bathroom drawer, including magnets, action figures, and balls.

Management has provided fringe benefits to this Steward, including his favorite toys, juice in a sippy cup, and multitudes of snack options. Yet this Steward insists on bypassing said fringe benefits in favor of emptying Management's cupboards while they are trying to cook, clean, and get anything productive done.

Arbitration may be needed. Anyone with ties to this Agent of Darkness:

should call the Appointing Authority before a contract dispute is in the works and strike ensues.

Harvest Time! School Time!

Fall is my favorite season of the year, but I find myself in the kitchen A LOT, trying to do something with the bounty that is our garden. Here is just one day's worth of loot:
I'm really excited that we've had a productive garden this year. Of course, I think squash could grow anywhere! I've been busy making and freezing lots of soups. I have a great, easy butternut squash soup recipe if any of you would like it. It has squash, cream cheese, onion, chicken broth, and some spices and it's oh so yummy. I've got two batches frozen already, just from four squash!
We were in the garden the other day, and I was searching for some treasures, so Grace and Joey came to help. Joey got distracted catching grasshoppers, but Grace shouted, "Hey! I found a smoosh!" I didn't know what a "smoosh" was until she grabbed a giant squash. I guess 'squash' and 'smoosh' mean the same thing, so she just got them mixed up. We thought it was so cute, though, that now squash are known as 'smooshes' in our house.
We also found what I call "The Champ", and the kids call "The Green Monster" (Go Red Sox!). It was a great big zucchini we stumbled upon in the garden. It took three of us to pull it out. It's almost two feet long. I don't want to cut it up because it's so awesome, but I'm afraid it's going to be dinner. So long, Champ.
So far, everyone is enjoying school. Yesterday was our first day, and Andrew and Haley settled into their regular schedules perfectly. Haley was up at 5:30 doing her hair, and Andrew struggled out of bed at 7:15. He is so happy to have his best friend, Ryan, in his class again this year! Three years in a row!
Haley is happy to be socializing again, and dealing with some whacky teachers. I laughed at her reinactment of her history class, where they did some hippie exercises because "history is all about acting" according to her alternative-style teacher. It should be a fun and interesting year!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

At the Lake

Well, we didn't sleep very well Friday night. It was a little too exciting for the kids in the backyard. Grace decided around midnight that she actually didn't want to be outside after all, so she went to her bed to sleep. I fell asleep (in my comfy bed) soon after that, but I think Dad was up till about 3 a.m. We got up at 7 anyway to make it up to the lake.
We had a great time, even though it was scorching hot. There was a bit of a hike up to the lake, only about a quarter mile, but it was uphill and New York decided to wear flip flops. Haley was a genius and also wore city footwear. They decided later that the flip flops were actually mountain sandals, since they had very little trouble with the terrain.
While the big kids fished and Eric took pictures, Matt and I played in the water. He ingested just enough to give him some diarrhea today, but it will pass. We had fun cooling off in the water, and the ducks swam right up to us. He thought that was really funny. He also had a great time playing hide and seek with the bucket on his head.

They caught several fish that were guppy-sized. Around 11:30 we had enough, so Dad and Andrew (those two could fish all day!) stayed at the lake while we ran into town to grab lunch. I said we'd be back to pick them up in the parking lot in a half hour. What was I thinking? We found them loyally waiting in the parking lot an hour and 20 minutes later, when we finally returned. I think Andrew thought he'd have to hike home. But we brought Subway, so we were forgiven.
When we went camping, I brought each of the kids a squirt bottle, which kept them busy. This time I forgot the squirt bottles, but I did remember the shovels and pails, and I stuck the "big whapper" in the car for Joey. He killed many bugs, and stayed out of the way after he was done fishing.
We didn't get any pictures of the New Yorker, because he was busy being the cameraman. Maybe we'll get some today.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Crazy Friday Night

The kids and Ben are in the back yard right now in the tent. I was just out there playing shadow puppets with them. I think it's gonna be a long night for Ben. They're a little wound up.

We usually like to camp in the wilderness, but Ben had a CE class today, and Haley had to be at a YW sleepover, so that didn't leave us time to get to the mountains. But we are going fishing tomorrow, so we thought it would be "fun" to sleep in the tent. Well, it will be "fun" for them -- I'll be in my bed! Someone has to be inside for the baby, right?

Speaking of the baby, we just got back from his very first trip to the ER. That leaves only Grace that hasn't been there yet. Joey's been two or three times. Story of my life. Anyway, he had pulled himself up on a chair to try to get on the trampoline, and he pulled his elbow out of socket. I thought it was his shoulder, because he was crying and his arm was limp at his side -- he couldn't use it at all, and it was very painful for him. It was still out right up until the time we actually got called in to be seen at the hospital. Then he must have twisted it back himself, because he started using it and then he was fine. The doctors probably think I'm nuts. Just another crazy person coming in on a Friday night. At least I have witnesses -- both my mom and Eric saw him with the limp arm.

Well, it's shaping up to be a fun weekend! Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good Thing for Plumbing

We've all been bent over the porcelain king this week. Even I got sick this time, and it was not fun. It's been forever since I actually caught one of the stomach flu's my kids have had. It was a good reminder of how awful it is. I never want to do that again. It started with Andrew last Friday, then Joey Saturday night, then Haley was at her friend's house Monday night and got it, then the baby threw up at Jill's house on Wednesday and I had it all night Wednesday. Ben and Grace seemed to have missed the throwing up part. Anyway, I'm glad it's over. I hope it's over.
Here's some of our pre-flu fun. Ben and I figured out (finally) how to make good sushi. Our first role fell apart, but after that we got the hang of it. It tasted down right professional! I'm just glad no one was sick when we made this:

We also had some fun at one of the spray parks here. We had our fill of the one closer to our house, so we went way up to the heights to play at this one. My camera is still broken, so it will only take a few shots, and most of them are out of focus. It got pretty crowded, so we were only there for awhile. But we had fun and will probably go back when we're all better.

Yesterday, our neighbor was mowing the lawn and asked Andrew to catch him some grasshoppers for his fishing trip today. All the kids got in on it and they caught about 10 grasshoppers (for which they were payed generously by the neighbor). Andrew caught one to keep and made a little home for it in an old salsa jar. The grasshopper started jumping around in there, and Andrew showed Dad. Dad said that grasshoppers are used to wide open spaces and they like to jump. Andrew thought about that for a few moments, then disappeared with his new friend. When he came back downstairs, his grasshopper was gone. We asked what he had done with his new friend, and he said, "I let him go because I felt sorry for him. He's used to wide open spaces." What a sweetheart! He just couldn't bare to see that little thing suffer in an enclosure. He's such a good boy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Union

It's official. I knew it would be happening sooner or later. Our kids have organized themselves. I've seen the signs. The one-at-a-time-questions-so-mom-can-get-no-peace days. The waking up one at a time, and as soon as one goes to sleep, another wakes up game. The sending of the union representative to ask for more rights and privileges. The work stoppages. The contract negotiations. The grievances.
Why, just the other day, Joey came to me (I'll refer to Ben and I as "Management" from now on, and the kids as "the Union") with a very serious grievance. We were leaving Grandma Jane's house after playing with the Utah cousins, and with hands on hips, he said, "Mom! You are ruining my life! You are taking all the fun out!" I told him to have his Union Rep file a formal written grievance and hand it in to top management (Ben). I'll get back to him in a couple of months. We'll go through the mediation process, and I'm hoping it won't result in a strike.
I will keep you informed of all future Union/Management issues.

Picnics and All That Good Stuff

Last week we had some family come over for a picnic. The kids enjoyed my new garage sale find. This Little Tykes picnic table was $10 at a garage sale, in perfect shape! I was going to give it away, but we decided to keep it. It's the perfect size for the little ones. Sometimes you can hit it big at garage sales.
Anyway, we have had a great time with Ben's East Coast family. And the kids always enjoy the cousins, of course.
The week ended on Saturday with a call for Ben and I to meet a counselor in the Stake Presidency before church on Sunday. I had that sinking feeling, and realized that the "big calling" I had felt coming on was Ben's, not mine. Sure enough, he was sustained as a counselor in our bishopric on Sunday. So far it hasn't been too bad, only two nights this week he's been gone. That's not much different than usual.
Here's some pictures of the fun we had this week. We went to Lake Elmo today and got good and dirty, but our camera is broken and Haley's wasn't charged. I'll try to do better!

Painting our beautiful pottery with Lindsey's kids:

It's been a fun week. Hope next week is just as good!