Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Peek into Joey's Brain

As we were driving today, Joey and I had a great conversation.  It started with him asking me how to wish on a star, because he wanted to be one of Santa's reindeer so he could fly.  He also would like to be a buffalo.  Then the conversation drifted to resurrection, and how we'll have really cool bodies that can't die or get sick.

I said, "Isn't Heavenly Father's plan great?  We can go back and live with him forever if we're good here and try to be like Jesus."

Joey said, "I'm good, aren't I?"

I said, "You're very good.  We all have to try to be good our whole lives."

Joey said, "Okay.  I'm not ever going to pick my owies, and never bite my nails, and never pick my nose.  Okay?"

I said, "Good plan, Joey."

Now I know what Joey's definition of being bad is!

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