This morning I followed through on a very good idea by Ben. It has been time to move Matthew to a big boy bed for a few weeks, seeing as how he has been climbing precariously out of his crib for some time now. So Ben thought we could turn the daybed around, and that I could make a fabric cover for the railing so that he can't slip between it and get stuck. And guess what?
I finished it last night, so this morning Donger and I turned the bed around and took out the screws all by ourselves. I had to use a hammer to get the railing back where it was supposed to be, so afterward, he tried to help me with his handy little tools which have previously only been used to scatter all over the room and make a mess.
Busy getting a hammer:
Hammer, hammer, hammer. He was so happy to help!
As we moved the bed, we found some interesting spots on the floor. They were obviously left there by little people hiding under the bed with chocolate milk, or some other offensive drink.
This is my favorite carpet cleaner. The best thing about it is that you can spray the spot and immediately wipe it up. No more waiting-5-minutes-and-then-forgetting-where-the-spot-was-so-you-have-to-feel-for-the-wet-spots trouble! And you can get it from Bed, Bath, and Beyond for just $7.99!
I also uncovered a goobered wall. How it got goobered is a mystery that I wish to remain that way.
My favorite de-goobering product is Magic Erasers. I've got two boxes in my cleaning closet right now. It really is Magic, too!
Sorry, I get distracted easily. So we got the bed turned around, and Matt tried it out. He was not impressed. I may have to just take down the crib, because he looks at it longingly from his new bed.
Oops, he can touch the light switch! That could be a problem...
He tried to lay down all by himself.
Wrong way...
Turning... turning....
Got it! Wow, that was hard work. Oh geez, just a minute...he just pushed a suitcase down the stairs...
Okay. I'm back. Nothing is broken.
I tried to give Mr. Busy Pants a nap, but as I peeked in on him, this is where I found him:
And this is the wad of Aquaphor (another favorite of mine!) smeared across his forhead:
Oh, good grief... I just heard a crash...
Fabulous. Want to know what it was? Only my Great-Aunt's prized collection of miniature porcelain bonsai trees from Japan. Awesome. Just another typical day.