We've had an amazing week, and the children are still so excited that Kanalu is here for 6 weeks! And the best part is that he gets to go to school with the kids. The even better part is that he gets to come home with us, and we have another playmate here at the house. It's been so much fun. Kanalu seems to be liking school and making friends quickly. He didn't miss a beat, and he even said that being at our house is funner than going to the zoo! What a compliment!
First day of school (yes, it was very cold - but we were prepared) --
Tonight we went to Grandma's house to celebrate Kanalu's birthday. We had lasagna for dinner, and we were glad to see Uncle Sam, Anthony, and cousins Lita and Hiram.
We smooshed as many little kids at this table as possible. And they even ate their dinner!
Andrew trying to get some alone time:
And let us not forget that Matthew's very favorite thing in the world (after his letters, dee dee, and the Harris ladies), is blowing out birthday candles. He gathers things from around the house, like pens, pencils, crayons, Popsicle sticks, mini lotion bottles, etc. -- sings the birthday song, and pretends to blow them out. I was distracted with taking pictures, and I should have seen this coming:
Kanalu got the rest of them, though.
Joey's birthday is exactly 4 weeks after Kanalu's. Grandma Nan was so nice to let him have his present early -- a new suit! He quickly outgrew his old one, so a new size 7 is perfect. He already has it laying out on the floor, ready to go for tomorrow.
In other news, Matthew started going potty in the potty chair yesterday. I knew it was coming because he has been bothered by his diaper lately. He went at Grandma Nan's successfully, and is continuing to tell us he needs to go. He even went poopy today! (I know you're going to read this sometime when you're an adult and yell at me for writing that, but it's for posterity:)
We'll see how long it lasts. Each kid always has a false start, so this is probably number one for him. But I'll enjoy it while it lasts. He refuses to wear the train underwear he picked out at the store today, and won't have anything to do with the pull-ups unless we take him swimming, so we'll see. He's pretty pleased with himself, though. Very cute.
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