Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Random Pic of Haley, and a Bountiful Garden

For some reason, Haley had to have a picture with an animal for a school assignment.  And I think it was for English, if I'm not mistaken (which makes it all the more weird).
But whatever.  Far be it from me to argue with an assignment, so off to the backyard we went.  Luckily, we have an animal, and this is how it turned out:
Not too bad!
In other news, somebody please make our garden stop!  Nobody wants this much zucchini.  Nobody.
But thanks to Lowes, we had not one zucchini plant, but TWO -- all because they had their plants labeled wrong.  And I'm too dumb to know the difference, so I bought what I thought was 1 zucchini, 1 cucumber, and 1 butternut squash plants.  However, once they started growing, we found out that the butternut squash was in fact a zucchini.  The zucchini was also a zucchini, which is the big problem around here.  The cucumber was a butternut squash, so that worked out okay.
But nobody in their right mind wants or can consume this much zucchini, even if they do have 5 kids and a big fat dog.

Ben wanted Matt to sit up on the counter to show how big the pile really was.  But Matt didn't really want to, which is the reason for the sourpuss face.

P.S. I have killed the zucchini plant.

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