Sunday, November 18, 2012

Andrew's Football Summary

And the third fall sport was football! I must say, I like watching football much better than soccer, probably because I understand what is happening, and it is much, much more exciting.
What I don't love as much is that it usually takes up 4-5 days a week.  The games are two hours long, plus Andrew has to be there an hour early.  Thank goodness for Grandpa Jerry, or I might not have survived another season.
Andrew LOVES football.  And I'm pretty sure the thing he loves most is just being with his boys.  He's part of a pack, and he loves that.  He also really liked his coaches this season, and it was really hard to say good-bye when it was over.
We were really lucky with the weather this year. There were only a couple of games that we were really freezing.  I felt sorry for those boys.  They couldn't wear coats and hats and be under a pile of blankets like we could.  Good thing for Underarmour.  Especially for those evening games!

Andrew was lucky enough to get the #12 jersey this year.  My kids don't say "12" without "Tom Brady" being the very next thing out of their mouths.  Here he is playing defense, and tackling the snot out of this kid:

Andrew played offense and defense.  On offense he usually was the center (he did a great job protecting our itty-bitty quarterback), and sometimes played tight-end.  He always calls the huddle, and while doing so, raises his hands above his head (reminiscent of 3rd Rock From the Sun's Harry -- "Incoming message from the Big Giant Head!")

Andrew enjoyed standing on the sidelines all of 8 plays the entire season.  Since he played both offense and defense, this was a rare sight.  I'm not even joking about the 8 plays.  They counted them up at the end of the season, and he had played every single play but eight.

The pack (Andrew's in the middle somewhere)
During these 2-hour games, the rest of the kids enjoyed playing soccer, football, tag, or anything else they could do except watch the darned game.

We had grandparents there every game to cheer on Andrew, help shuttle him around, and to help take care of the other kids so I could actually watch a couple of plays (thank you, Grandpa Jerry).
Sam and Allison came to a few, also, and that made the little ones very, very happy.  I'm pretty sure they didn't get to see most of the game, but I don't think they minded all that much.

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