Joey is our second boy, age 4. Everything about this boy cracks me up. He is overflowing with personality, as you can tell. Joey always was a hard one to figure out. He is the kid that I always have to watch because I never know what he's going to do in any certain situation. I've caught him running down the street when I didn't even know he was outside, caught him having interesting conversations with strangers, and even growling, yes growling, at people he was just passing by. Joey likes people to think he's a tough guy. But really, he's the one who is the most sensitive. He is always concerned for the other kids, and looks after Grace especially.
Joey was born with severe food allergies. A few months ago a newspaper reporter approached our allergist to do a story on food allergies. She asked if she could interview one of his pediatric patients and their family to find out about living with food allergies. The nurses all said, "Oh, you have to do Joey!" He's quite popular. The link to that story is on the side bar under Food Allergy Awareness, if you want to read it.
He's also quite the ladies' man. This boy is as girl-crazy as I've ever seen. If any of you hear of a nice boys only school, please let us know because we'll probably have to ship him off to one when he's a teenager. Joey has already had 3 or 4 girlfriends. I almost hit the floor one day when he told us he "broke up" with one of them. Hearing those words come out of a 3-year-old's mouth, and in the right context, was pretty funny. So here's some pictures of our little ball of fire.
Joey can fall asleep anytime, anywhere, anyhow. He used to fall asleep in his high chair almost every day. He's never made it through a movie. Here's just a couple of the positions we've found him in:

He's always getting into something. Here he is messing around with the camera. I think it's a great self-portrait:

Joey has this look - a look that all you moms with this kind of kid know. This little smirk sums up Joey's personality in one photo:

Like I said, he's always getting into something. Sometimes I find that he's actually gotten in to something:

He is such a great little boy, though. He's always willing to help, even if it's pretend:

This is what his hair looked like when he was younger. He had this tan skin with dark eyes and eyebrows, and this bleach-blonde surfer hair. We used to say that it stood up like that because his personality was so big, it was just jumping right out of the top of his head:

Joey keeps us hopping. He wants to be a baseball player when he grows up. I'm sure he can do that, or go to the moon, or whatever he sets his mind to do. He's a great little boy!
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