Today we decided to try something new. Well, actually we thought of it several weeks ago when we entered, but nevertheless -- today we did something new. All seven of us did a 2 mile race for St. Vincent Hospital. We took the double Trek stroller for the wee ones and an umbrella stroller for Joey. Good thing, too, because all he did from the moment we got there was complain about wanting to go home. I'm not sure what his deal was, because usually he's up for an adventure. I think it was the clowns, but I'm not sure.
Here's dad pinning on his number while he's crying about the scary clowns walking around.

And here he is complaining to go home:

Grace was also scared of the clowns. But she looked cute in her hat.

Before the race Andrew had the idea to write "Team Kazmierski" on the stroller's flag. We wrote it on both sides, and flew it proud.

After the race, (Grace did not have to pee the whole time! I was worried about that) the kids got to have a donut (Joey had a popsicle) and sit in one of the hospital's helicopters. I think that was the highlight of their day. That and getting a free shirt and water bottle.

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