Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sleeping Boys

I just can't resist sneaking in and snapping a few pictures of the babies when they're sleeping. The boys always remind me of each other. Their butt up in the air, ankles crossed. Here's Matthew the other day:
I remember both the other boys sleeping in that same position. I also remember some other funny positions they slept in. Joey is most famous for wrecking the high chair by banging his back against it until he fell asleep. (Or maybe he just passed out from all the head trauma.) He would fall asleep eating, sitting, playing... whatever, as long as he was banging. He couldn't get to sleep unless I was hitting his butt. Not patting his butt -- banging it. He would cry and fuss unless it was hard -- the harder I hit, the happier he was. Here he is passed out:

He also used to sleep with either his arm or leg out of the crib. Here he is once grabbing onto the side of the crib. He is a little over a year old here:

And Andrew did the same thing. Here he is at age 1 with his arm sticking out. I always worried about that. But they never got stuck.

Here's Andrew on his belly. I just love these moments:
The boys just remind me so much of each other. I love their little chubby feet the most. Their little bodies, their hair, their hands -- all that was the same for each boy. But they all have such different personalities, even from day 1. Ahhh, the memories!

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