It was Matt's second birthday on Sunday. He woke up to a nice big birthday breakfast, as is the tradition here. Joey enjoyed it, too, choosing to eat not one, not two, not three, but four sausages all at the same time. Gross.
We won't be celebrating with a birthday party until this weekend, because so much family is out of town.
At two years old, Matt's favorite things are his "Dee Dee" (blanket), his baby doll (which is always naked), jumping on the trampoline, sliding and swinging, singing, and most of all -- Grandpa Jerry. He also loves Sandi Harris, his other "Mom" (that's what he calls her). As soon as she walks into church, he races over to her, and then sits there for an hour snuggling, smooching, and nuzzling her. He wears her jewelry, goes through her bag, and eats her candy. And she loves every minute of it.
He can say lots of words, like: Daddy, Mom, "Ahley" (Haley), "Adew" (Andrew), "Woey" (Joey), "Dace" (Grace), Matt, "Dodi" (Shoji), "Dodo" (Mojo -- Sam's dog), "Duce" (juice), ball, pee, poops, "Det do!" (Let go!), "My toon" (My turn), "Nunnets" (nuggets), outside, "aipane" (airplane), "Papa" (Grandpa, and it also means Grandma), and pretty much anything else you want him to say.
He loves to eat chicken nuggets from Costco for lunch, and he loves helping Mommy do everything. Whatever he sees me do, he thinks he can do also. So he does it, to the extreme. Like laundry (all by himself), re-arranging furniture (all by himself) and cleaning toilets (yes, all by himself). It takes most of my day to try and stop him from doing things all by himself. But life is super fun with our happy, little Matt.
A couple of weeks ago, Ben's sisters were both in town and we went to Sears to get all the grandkids' pictures taken together. We haven't done that since Joey and Kanalu were babies. Here are a few of the pictures:
Those are some pretty good-looking kids we've got!
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