Sunday, June 15, 2014

First Day of School

Well, it has finally happened.  After 17 years of being at home with little kids, this is my very first year of adulthood without them with me all day.  I have been dreading this day for a very long time.  I love having my little buddies with me all day, running errands with me, helping me cook, going for walks and bike rides -- but I'm actually not as sad about it as I thought I would be.  It has happened like everybody else said it would -- the time they are at school flies by almost faster then you can even miss them.  But I do still miss them, and I always hate it when the summer ends and they have to go back to school.
We started new schools this year.  Haley stayed the same, but we are going to a new elementary school, since we moved.  Matthew will be bussed to a nearby school, since ours is overcrowded.  Andrew will be bussed to the middle school for the same reason.  So, this being the only year I would have had all 4 little kids in elementary school, those 4 kids will be attending 3 different schools.  So in all, we have 5 kids in 4 different schools.  All with different start and end times, which will make this year very, very interesting!

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