Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Christmas Vacation 2013

During our Christmas vacation, we were lucky to be able to drive just a few minutes to go visit Grandma Penny.  The indoor horse arena she was working at was amazing!  The kids were in love with all the horses, especially the babies.  They were able to ride in the arena and visit all the curious faces that popped over the stalls.  Matthew found a few other furry friends, Grace learned how to let a horse smell your hand before you pet him, and I learned to drug Andrew and Joey with Zyrtec before we go next time.  They were not excited about the massive amounts of hives they had to endure!

The kids also enjoyed the MSU basketball camp they always go to during the break.  This was Matthew's first time, and he did very well.  I only found him in tears once, because the ball hit him in the stomach.  Not bad!

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